PHED Tender

Tender Reference/ Inviting Authority Memo No. Short Description Publishing Date Last Date of Submission View Details
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Temporary approach road 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Emergent repairing of existing FHTC 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Special repair & maintenance 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD FHTC 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD FHTC 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
WBPHED/AE/KTS/NIeT- 15/2024-25_Sl_1
Assistant Engineer, Katwa Sub-Division
215/KTS Civil Works 11-02-2025 07-03-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Laying pipe 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Withdrawing, relaying 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Temporary approach road 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
eNIQ No. 05/2nd Call of EE/MD of 2024-25 (Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_814347_1 to 4)
Executive Engineer, Midnapore Division
454/MD Route survey and way leave permission along and across of National Highway at Pakurseni_Govindapur Brahman Saran_Uttar Karkara PWSS of Midnapore Division PHE Dte. 11-02-2025 04-03-2025
Assistant Engineer, Ghatal Sub-Division
84/AE/GSD Providing balance FHTC for SAHAPUR PWSS in Daspur-I Block within Ghatal Sub-Division under Midnapore Division, P.H.E.Dte. 11-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD FHTC 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Emergent restoration of pipe line 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
eNIQ No. 05/2nd Call of EE/MD of 2024-25 (Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_814347_1 to 4)
Executive Engineer, Midnapore Division
454/MD Route survey and way leave permission along and across of National Highway at Palasia_Dantan_Bhetiamla_Angua PWSS of Midnapore Division PHE Dte. 11-02-2025 04-03-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Emergent protection of pipeline with UC Bullah 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Katwa Sub-Division
214/KTS Civil Works 11-02-2025 21-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Pump connection 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Emergent restoration of pipeline by laying 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD FHTC 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Emergent protection 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Repairing FHTC with pipeline 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Uc bullah 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
WBPHED/AE/KTS/NIeT- 14/2024-25_Sl_2
Assistant Engineer, Katwa Sub-Division
214/KTS Civil Works 11-02-2025 21-02-2025
eNIQ No. 05/2nd Call of EE/MD of 2024-25 (Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_814347_1 to 4)
Executive Engineer, Midnapore Division
454/MD Route survey and way leave permission along and across of National Highway at Kutki_Kasba Narayangarh_Gokulpur PWSS of Midnapore Division PHE Dte. 11-02-2025 04-03-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD FHTC 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 15/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
403/HSD Pump connection 11-02-2025 27-02-2025
eNIQ No. 05/2nd Call of EE/MD of 2024-25 (Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_814347_1 to 4)
Executive Engineer, Midnapore Division
454/MD Route survey and way leave permission along and across of National Highway at Belda Zone-I_Babalpur_Raipur PWSS of Midnapore Division PHE Dte. 11-02-2025 04-03-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Providing 3 nos. Guard at Baruihuda Headwork site under Baruihuda Piped Water Supply Scheme in Krishnanagar-I Block for guarding of various Departmental materials under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II, P.H.E. Dte. [Period of work :01/03/2025 to 31/03/2025] 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Laying of 75mm dia pipeline alongwith FHTC reconnection Tengra W/S Scheme at Chapra block in Nadia District under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II, P.H.E. Dte. 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
N.I.T. No. NIT-03/CSD/2024-2025_6
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
153/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Gosaba Store 10-02-2025 04-03-2025
EOI CUM RFP WBPHED/EE/RS/e05/2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Resources Division
321/RS Regular upkeeping, upgradation of all water quality applications for data collection, alert generation system for contaminated sources, stock & faulty instruments and onsite sanitary survey data, integrated with WQMIS structure through cloud based secured survey, data repository system and engagement of efficient manpower for resource monitoring & management of water quality in drinking water sect 10-02-2025 10-03-2025
PHE/SWSD/AE-I/NIeT-05 OF 2024-25 (SL.NO. 01 TO 04)
Assistant Engineer-I, Siliguri W/S Division
440/SWSD Construction of inter connection between new bored Tube well to rising main at 3rd pump house site under Uttar Bagdogra Piped Water Supply Scheme at Naxalbari Block under Siliguri W/S Division, P.H.E. Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
N.I.T. No. 01 /BSD of 2024- 25 by A.E./BSD
Assistant Engineer, Bankura Sadar Sub- Division
169/BSD N.I.T. No. 01 /BSD of 2024- 25 by A.E./BSD 11-02-2025 21-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Siliguri Sub-Division
29/SSD 1. Supply of 1 (one) No Maxi Cab with Engine Capacity less than or equal to 2000 C.C. With Air condition on hire basis including driver under Office of the Executive Engineer, Siliguri Water Supply Division, P.HE. Dte. (With valid Taxi permit and Other Necessary Documents as per norms of Zonal R.T.O.). 2.Supply of 1 (one) No Maxi Cab with Engine Capacity less than or equal to 2000 C.C. With Air 10-02-2025 18-02-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Special repair by hydraulic consultants during the site recoinissance assignment at Baliadanga Piped Water Supply Scheme at Chapra Block for preparation of as built drawing for having comprehensive sustainable documentation in the regional headquartrs in PHED under NACD II in the district of 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
NIQ- 25 OF 2024- 2025 OF AE-II/AMD
Executive Engineer, Asansol Mechanical Division
261/AE-II/AMD ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS 10-02-2025 24-02-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Route survey engaging qualified surveyors with modern instruments viz-GPS, Total station, DGPS, Auto levels etc over the command area of Water Supply Scheme and preparation of completion drawing of the LDS IN Auto CAD or similar software for Helenchi Zone-II W/S Scheme of Krishnaganj Block Mouza Khatura of Nadia Dist.under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II, P.H.E. Dte. 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
N.I.T. No. NIT-03/CSD/2024-2025_4
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
153/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Basanti Store 10-02-2025 04-03-2025
PHE/SWSD/AE-I/NIeT-05 OF 2024-25 (SL.NO. 01 TO 04)
Assistant Engineer-I, Siliguri W/S Division
440/SWSD Repairing of existing 2nd Pump house repair at Zone-I under Augmentation of Uttar Bagdogra Piped Water Supply Scheme under Siliguri W/S Division, P.H.E. Dte 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
N.I.T. No. NIT-03/CSD/2024-2025_7
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
153/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Basanti Store 10-02-2025 04-03-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Laying of 75mm dia pipeline at TENGRA W/S Scheme in Tengra Village Chapra Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II, P.H.E. Dte. 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
NIT NO: 22/KLYSD-I OF 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Kalyani-I Sub-Division
255 /KLYSD-I Arrear payment for revision of daily rate for Day to day Repair , Operation & Maintenance of CI/DI/AC/UPVC/GI rising main and distribution system of water supply scheme t including cleaning of over head tank and regular cleaning of sewer line from hospital complex to disposal including cleaning of other allied structures of hospital complex of N.S.S Covid Hospital and adjacent Nurses/Doctors' Hos 10-02-2025 20-02-2025
PHE/SWSD/AE-I/NIeT-05 OF 2024-25 (SL.NO. 01 TO 04)
Assistant Engineer-I, Siliguri W/S Division
440/SWSD Construction of inter connection between 2nd Tube Well site to old pipeline under Augmentation of Uttar Bagdogra Piped Water Supply Scheme Zonme-II at Naxalbari Block under Siliguri W/S Division, P.H.E. Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/AE/CMSD/NIeT- 09 OF 2024-25
Asst. Engineer, Coochbehar Mech Sub Division
160/CMSD Supply & delivery of actuator operated butterfly valve for GABUA W/S Scheme & adjacent sites in the district of Coochbehar within Coochbehar Mechanical Sub-division under Northern Mechanical Division-II P.H.E Dte. 10-02-2025 21-02-2025
eNIT No. 04/2nd_Call/AE/HQ/MD of 2024-2025 (Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_813804_1 to 3)
Executive Engineer, Midnapore Division
442/AE/HQ/MD Improvement of approach road of Kasbasanda PWSS Head work site under Narayangarh block within Midnapore Division PHE Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
eNIT No. 04/2nd_Call/AE/HQ/MD of 2024-2025 (Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_813804_1 to 3)
Executive Engineer, Midnapore Division
442/AE/HQ/MD Construction of approach road for 2nd work site of Uttar Karkara Piped Water Supply Scheme within Narayangarh Block under Midnapore Division PHE Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
N.I.T. No. NIT-03/CSD/2024-2025_2
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
153/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Canning Sub-Division Office 10-02-2025 04-03-2025
PHE/SWSD/AE-I/NIeT-05 OF 2024-25 (SL.NO. 01 TO 04)
Assistant Engineer-I, Siliguri W/S Division
440/SWSD Construction of inter connection between new bored Tube well to distribution main at 4th pump house site under Augmentation of Salbari Piped Water Supply Scheme at Matigara in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission Block under Siliguri W/S Division, P.H.E. Dte 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
N.I.T. No. NIT-03/CSD/2024-2025_5
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
153/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Canning Sub-Division Office 10-02-2025 04-03-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Laying of pipeline along reconnection due to construction of drain and land erosion at Mahatpur W/S Scheme in Chapra block in Nadia District under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II, PHE Dte. 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Route survey engaging qualified surveyors with modern instruments viz-GPS,Total station,DGPS, Auto levels etc over the command area of Water Supply Scheme and preparation of completion drawing of the LDS IN Auto CAD or similar software for Matiary W/S Scheme of Mouza Gede in Krishnaganj Block of Nadia Dist.under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II, P.H.E. Dte. 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Special repair by hydraulic consultants during the site recoinissance assignment at Bagberia Piped Water Supply Scheme at Chapra Block for preparation of as built drawing for having comprehensive sustainable documentation in the regional headquartrs in PHED under NACD II in the district of 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
N I T No. 12/AE-I/NACD-II of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
1170/AE-I/ NACD-I I Providing 2 nos. Guard at Chakdignagar 2nd Tubewell site under Chakdignagar Piped Water Supply Scheme in Krishnanagar-I Block for guarding of various Departmental materials under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II, P.H.E. Dte. [Period of work :01/03/2025 to 30/04/2025] 11-02-2025 19-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Jangipur Sub-Division
38/JSD Hiring of Maxicab (Non-Air Condition, Bharat stage-III on or after 01/05/2008 with Diesel/L.P.G/CNG Engine) in perfect good running condition of performing a very long journey and should be covered without any trouble on monthly hire basis for official use for the office of the Assistant Engineer, Jangipur Sub-Division, P.H.E Dte. [ Period for 06 (Six) Month]. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
NIT NO: 22/KLYSD-I OF 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Kalyani-I Sub-Division
255 /KLYSD-I Renovation of Main Gate of Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani, Nadia. 10-02-2025 20-02-2025
N.I.T. No. NIT-03/CSD/2024-2025_3
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
153/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Gosaba Store. 10-02-2025 04-03-2025
NIT NO: 22/KLYSD-I OF 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Kalyani-I Sub-Division
255 /KLYSD-I Arrear payment for revision of daily rate for Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipe lines along all components at JNM Hospital, College, Hostel, Quarters complex under Nadia Division PHE. Dte. W.e.f. 01-01-2024 to 31-08-2024. 10-02-2025 20-02-2025
N.I.T. No. NIT-03/CSD/2024-2025_1
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
153/CSD Cleaning CWR for Alum dosing and other miscellaneous work at Matherdighi (Part-B) RO Plant, 10-02-2025 04-03-2025
eT/12/EE/NKWSMD OF 2024-25 (SL. NO. 01)
Executive Engineer, Neorakhola W/S Mnt. Division
eNIT No. 04/2nd_Call/AE/HQ/MD of 2024-2025 (Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_813804_1 to 3)
Executive Engineer, Midnapore Division
442/AE/HQ/MD Construction of approach road for Head work site of Radhanagar Piped Water Supply Scheme within Narayangarh Block under Midnapore Division PHE Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Store & Workshop Sub-Division
41/S&WSD Repairing different auxiliary & ancilliaries parts , Newly making Drilling base frame made of MS plate for KORES/DR-1000 ,Supply and delivery of different dia hydraulic hoses 10-02-2025 20-02-2025
19/2024-25/EE/DWSD/PHE Dte
Executive Engineer, Durgapur W/S Division
250/DWSD 5 Nos operation and maintenance works for Non-JJM 10-02-2025 20-02-2025
- WBPHED/EE/NMD-II/NIeT- 30 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer,Northen Mechanical Division (2)
696/NMD-II Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and Trial run of electro mechanical component along with Cu wound line voltage corrector for Dakshin Samilabas PWSS , TW No.- II under NMD-II,PHE.Dte,Alipurduar. 08-02-2025 28-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/NMD-II/NIeT- 29 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer,Northen Mechanical Division (2)
692/NMD-II Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and Trial run of electro mechanical component along with Cu wound line voltage corrector for Joygaon Water Supply Scheme(JDA) TW No.-V and VI (Add ) chhota joygaon under NMD-II,PHE.Dte,Alipurduar. 07-02-2025 28-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, S24 Pgns Mechanical Division
204/SMSD Supply & Installation of LED board 07-02-2025 20-02-2025
- WBPHED/EE/NMD-II/NIeT- 30 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer,Northen Mechanical Division (2)
696/NMD-II Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and Trial run of electro mechanical component along with Cu wound line voltage corrector for AUGMENTATION OF BAKSIRHAT PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME,TW No.- II and III OF Zone-I,TW NO-II OF Zone-II under NMD-II,PHE.Dte,Alipurduar. 08-02-2025 28-02-2025
N.I.T. 02/2024-2025 of AE/KSD
Assistant Engineer, Kharagpur Sub-Division
984/AE/KSD Preparation & supply of Geo reference drawing (CAD-GIS) and preparation of piped network & design of pipe network including colour drawing for different Mouja 07-02-2025 19-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, S24 Pgns Mechanical Division
204/SMSD Supply & Inst of LED board 07-02-2025 20-02-2025
NIeT No-49/KSD of 2024-2025 _ Sl-01 of 01
Assistant Engineer, kalna Sub-Division
216/KSD Operation & maintnance of Kamalnagar WTP at Purbasthali-II Block 07-02-2025 25-02-2025
NIeT No-50/KSD of 2024-2025 _ Sl-01 of 01
Assistant Engineer, kalna Sub-Division

Click Downloads & More for

Supply of Diesel Motor cab

Providing Security Guards without arms for round the clock operation of guarding at Fulbari Water Treatment Plant , Stack yard and Different Building at Fulbari under Siliguri Water Supply Division fo


- WBPHED/EE/NMD-II/NIeT- 30 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer,Northen Mechanical Division (2)
696/NMD-II Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and Trial run of electro mechanical component along with Cu wound line voltage corrector for AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED NAKKATI PWSS COOCH BEHAR-I BLOCK WITHIN COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT ,W No.- II under NMD-II,PHE.Dte,Alipurduar. 08-02-2025 28-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Katwa Sub-Division
198/KTS Civil Works 07-02-2025 21-02-2025
NIT NO. - 08/AE/DSD OF 2024-2025-SL-1&2
Assistant Engineer, Durgapur Sub-Division
233/DSD Laying of UPVC pipeline & Providing left out FHTC within Bhatar Zone-II PWSS WITHIN Durgapur (Burdwan North ) Sub Division ,PHE Dte, Under Burdwan Division PHE Dte. 07-02-2025 19-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. – 03/AE/RSD/PHE/2024-2025
Assistant Engineer, Rampurhat Sub-Division
211/RSD Operation & Maintenance of Iron Elimination Plant at NARAYANGHATI W/S Scheme under Rampurhat Sub-Division, P.H.E. Dte. [Period of 1 year] 07-02-2025 17-02-2025
eT/11/EE/NKWSMD OF 2024-25 (SL. NO. 01)
Executive Engineer, Neorakhola W/S Mnt. Division
190/NKWSMD Providing the drinking water supply filteration and disinfection to different Border Out Post through local spring source under Neorakhola Water Supply & Maintenance Division , PHE Dte , Kalimpong. 10-02-2025 10-03-2025
- WBPHED/EE/NMD-II/NIeT- 30 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer,Northen Mechanical Division (2)
696/NMD-II Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and Trial run of electro mechanical component along with Cu wound line voltage corrector for Sajerpar Ghoramara PWSS,TW No.- III OF Zone-I under NMD-II,PHE.Dte,Alipurduar. 08-02-2025 28-02-2025
NIT NO.-07/CSD of 2024-2025
Assistant Engineer, Contai Sub Division
325/CSD For different works within Contai Sub-Division under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. Purba Medinipur District. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
Assistant Engineer
218/EMSD-I Miscellaneous works. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
NIQ- 24 OF 2024-2025 OF AE-II/AMD
Executive Engineer, Asansol Mechanical Division
166/AE-II/AMD ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Durgapur Sub-Division
226/DSD Repairing of Pump House and boundary wall with jungle cutting and concrete road of Khandagosh piped Water supply Scheme under Durgapur Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. (3 Nos Pump House Repairing) [3nd CALL] 06-02-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, S24 Pgns Mechanical Division
196/SMSD S & Inst of LED Board 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
220/NWSD-I Maintenance of Arboriculture works of Zone-VII (Kharu) & Zone-VIII (Kanchiyara) Head Work Sites (Each approx area 0.33 acre) within the Jurisdiction of North 24-Pgs. Arsenic Area W/S Scheme under North 24 Pgs. W/S Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 19-02-2025
07/T/AE/RNP of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Raghunathpur Sub-Division
58/RNP Restoration work by cleaning and chowkage clearance 06-02-2025 19-02-2025
eT/10/EE/NKWSMD OF 2024-25 (SL. NO. 01)
Executive Engineer, Neorakhola W/S Mnt. Division
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_04
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 2 and approach road at Uttar Durgapur W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- I of Mathurapur-I Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_03
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 1 and approach road at Uttar Gangadharpur W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- I of Mathurapur-I Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
eNIT No. 36 of EE/JHD of 2023-24 (2nd Call)
Executive Engineer, Jhargram Division
264/JHD Construction of boundary wall and Allied works At Gobindapur 1st and 2nd Tubewell site of public water supply schemes in Jhargram block within Jhargram District under Jhargram Division P.H.E Dte. 10-02-2025 24-02-2025
WBPHE/63/ND OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
572/ND Operation & Maintenance of Distribution System and Rising Main Pipeline (CI/DI/UPVC) of Different Ground Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Subarnabihar in Krishnagar-I Block under Kalyani Sub-Divn-II under Nadia Divn, PHE Dte. for the period of 07 (Seven) Months. 05-02-2025 17-02-2025
eNIT No. 10 of AE/KSD of 2024-2025(Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_811376_1)
Assistant Engineer, Kharagpur Sub-Division
968/AE/KSD Day to Day Operation & working Maintenance and Gardening of Office Campus of Kharagpur Sub-Division Office under Midnapore Division PHE Dte. 06-02-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_06
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 3 and approach road at Gilarchat W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- IV of Mathurapur-II Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
NIT No. 9/AE/HQ OF 2024-2025_Gr-A to F
Executive Engineer, Burdwan Division
204/AE/HQ 05-02-2025 18-02-2025
eNIT No. 36 of EE/JHD of 2023-24 (2nd Call)
Executive Engineer, Jhargram Division
264/JHD Construction of boundary wall and Allied works At Saftaldiha 1st and 2nd Tubewell site of public water supply schemes in Jhargram block within Jhargram District under Jhargram Division P.H.E Dte. 10-02-2025 24-02-2025
- WBPHED/EE/NMD-II/NIeT- 28 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer,Northen Mechanical Division (2)
674/NMD-II Supply and Delivery, Installation of RO membrane of existing Mobile Treatment Unit located at Coochbehar MTU under NMD-II PHE Dte 05-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_05
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 2 and approach road at Gilarchat W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- IV of Mathurapur-II Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
eNIT No. 36 of EE/JHD of 2023-24 (2nd Call)
Executive Engineer, Jhargram Division
264/JHD Construction of boundary wall and Allied works At Radhanagar 1st and 2nd Tubewell site of public water supply schemes in Jhargram block within Jhargram District under Jhargram Division P.H.E Dte. 10-02-2025 24-02-2025
eNIT No. 36 of EE/JHD of 2023-24 (2nd Call)
Executive Engineer, Jhargram Division
264/JHD Construction of Boundary wall and allied works at 1st. Tube well site of Dudkundi and its adjoining mouzas Pipe Water Supply Scheme within Jhargram Block under Jhargram Division, P.H.E.Dte (Total length 100 mtr,column size 250x250mm,3.00 M c/c ht.- 2.300mtr from G.L) 10-02-2025 24-02-2025
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_08
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 5 and approach road at Gilarchat W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- IV of Mathurapur-II Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_07
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 4 and approach road at Gilarchat W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- IV of Mathurapur-II Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
208/NWSD-I Operation & maintenance of distribution system and rising main (CI/DI/AC/UPVC pipe) of Kanchiara Surface Based W/S Scheme under Amdanga block within the jurisdiction of North 24 Pgs W/S Division I, P.H.E. Dte. [w.e.f. 365 Days] 05-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_02
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 2 and approach road and plinth protection at Abad Bhagabanpur W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- XII of Mathurapur-I Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
- WBPHED/EE/NMD-II/NIeT- 28 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer,Northen Mechanical Division (2)
674/NMD-II Modification/ Upgradation of existing open well Horizontal Monoblock pumping installation and other allied works at CWR at P/H No- IV premises under Lankapara W/S SCHEME under NMD-II, in the dist. of Alipurduar 05-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_09
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 1 and approach road at Chaplarkhope W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- XIII of Mathurapur-II Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
208/NWSD-I Operation & maintenance of distribution system and rising main (CI/DI/AC/UPVC pipe) of Kharu Surface Based W/S Scheme under Amdanga block within the jurisdiction of North 24 Pgs W/S Division I, P.H.E. Dte. [w.e.f. 365 Days] 05-02-2025 25-02-2025
NIeQ No. 42/MEDB of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Berhampur Mechanical Division
270/MEDB Electro-Mechanical Works in different W/S. Scheme 05-02-2025 19-02-2025
WBPHED/AE /NIeT-10/RSD/2024-2025_01
Assistant Engineer, Raidighi Sub-Division
1045/RSD Repairing of pump house – 1 and plinth protection at Dabipur W/S Scheme, modified as Zone- II of Mathurapur-I Block in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 20-02-2025
eNIT No. 36 of EE/JHD of 2023-24 (2nd Call)
Executive Engineer, Jhargram Division
264/JHD Construction of Boundary wall and allied works at 1st. Tube well site of Panchami and its adjoining mouzas Pipe Water Supply Scheme within Jhargram Block under Jhargram Division, P.H.E.Dte (Total length 100 mtr,column size 250x250mm,3.00 M c/c ht.- 2.300mtr from G.L) 10-02-2025 24-02-2025
- WBPHED/EE/NMD-II/NIeT- 28 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer,Northen Mechanical Division (2)
674/NMD-II Repairing of different machines including supply of different spares at Chakchaka Bottling Plant in the dist of Coochbehar under NMD-II,P.H.E Dte 05-02-2025 25-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Resources Division
280/RS Scrutinization, Analysis and Identification of Errors for ‘Functional Household Tap Connection’ data collected through WB-JJM Mobile Application 05-02-2025 06-03-2025
Assistant Engineer
213/EMSD-I Miscellaneous works. 05-02-2025 19-02-2025
WBPHED/15 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
159/NACD-II Aesthetic augmentation to upgrade it to highest standard towards up-to-date revisions of IS Codes in coordination with Nadia district as well as police administration in Annex buildings with MT Pools, horticultural infrastructure located at Krishnagar-II Block nearing to National highway district of Nadia under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II PHE Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 1 of Moukhali W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Sand filling 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Emergent restoration 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Bhagakhali Zone-I & Bhagakhali Zone-II PWSS in Tehatta - I Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division- 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Thanarpara PWSS in Karimpur-II Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II,P.H. Engg. Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Resting 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no- 3 of Atharabeki W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Fatepur & Bahadurpur PWSS in Tehatta - I Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division- II,P.H. Engg. Dte 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection for Nischintapur PWSS in Tehatta-I Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II,P.H. Engg. Dte. (Period of work:- 365 Days). 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHE/62/ND OF 2024-25 [ GROUP – I TO IV ]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
536/ND Laying of dedicated pipeline for Pipragachhi and part of Elangi Mouza for augmentation of Elangi Water Supply Scheme in Chapra Block, Nadia under Nadia Division PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 24-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 03/EE/MSD/PHE/2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Division
314/MURD Hiring of maxi cab (Non Air conditioned, Bharat Stage III) on or after 31.10.2023 with diesel/LPG/ CNG Engine) in perfect good condition of performing very long journey and should cover anywhere within any trouble on daily wage basis for official used under the control of the Deputy Superintending Engineer, Murshidabad Circle, P.H.E. Dte. 06-02-2025 13-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Withdrawing and relaying 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Pump conn 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 2 of Deuli (Zone 1) W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Barnia PWSS in Tehatta - II Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II,P.H. Engg. Dte 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 4 of Uttar Angadbedia W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD 1 no. pump connection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Putimari and Patharghata PWSS in Tehatta - I Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division- II,P.H. Engg. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 1 of Uttar Angadbedia W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 3 of Uttar Angadbedia W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 2 of Banibadabelekhali W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 1 of Deuli (Zone 1) W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Construction of anchor block 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
WBPHE/62/ND OF 2024-25 [ GROUP – I TO IV ]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
536/ND Construction of Boundary wall to protect the additional space of Subarnabihar Zone I water Supply Scheme under nadia Division PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 24-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Temporary approach road 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Emergent repairing 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Functional household tap connection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Surging of 03 nos. Big dia Tubewell of Sonakhali (Zone-II) (TW-2) and Harbhangi (TW-3 & 4) W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Surging of 03 nos. Big dia Tubewell of Ramchadrakhali (Zone-II) (TW-2), Ramchadrakhali (Zone-I) (TW-4), Uttar Angadberia (TW-2) W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 1 of Banibadabelekhali W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 3 of Moukhali W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Dismantling & Re-construction of boundary wall 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Providing Functional household tap connection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Pump conn 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Surging of 03 nos. Big dia Tubewell of Ramchadrakhali (Zone-I) W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MAAD/NIeT _04(2nd Call) of 2024-2025 Sl No. 01
Executive Engineer, Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division
178/MAAD Construction of Boundary Wall at Head Work Site, 2nd and 3rd Tube Well Site, Laying of rising main from 2nd and 3rd Tube Well Site to HWS including supply of all specials & valves, Jack pushing method and Laying of distribution system at Uttar Jadupur Water Supply Scheme at English Bazar Block under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, P.H.E. Dte, Malda. 05-02-2025 01-03-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 1 of Iswaripur W/S Scheme. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHE/62/ND OF 2024-25 [ GROUP – I TO IV ]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
536/ND Laying of delivery main for Usidpur and Subarnabihar (P) Mouza under Krishnagar-I Block in Nadia District. 04-02-2025 24-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Emergent repairing 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 4 of Budhkhali W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Helenchi Zone-I & Helenchi Zone-II PWSS in Krishnaganj Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
NIeT-18/A.E./Bon of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Bongaon Sub-Division
175/Bon NIeT-18/A.E./Bon of 2024-25 04-02-2025 20-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Shyamnagar & Kadipur PWSS in Krishnaganj Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II,P.H. Engg. Dte 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Mobarakpur & Khanjipur PWSS in Tehatta - I Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division- II,P.H. Engg. D 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Construction of concrete road (balanced portion) in OHR premises of Pump House no. - 1 of Banibadabelekhali W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Krishnagar & Baranaldaha PWSS in Tehatta - II Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II,P.H. Engg. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Withdrawing and relaying 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Pump conn 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no- 2 of Atharabeki W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Emergent protection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Providing Functional household tap connection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Tengra and Bagberia PWSS in Chapra Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II,P.H. Engg. Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 3 of Banibadabelekhali W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Providing Functional tap connection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD 1 no. pump connection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Providing Functional household tap connection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 2 of Moukhali W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MAAD/NIeT _04(2nd Call) of 2024-2025 Sl No. 02
Executive Engineer, Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division
178/MAAD Construction of Boundary Wall at Head Work Site,2nd tubewell site ,3rd tubewell site, C.C road from existing road to Head works Site.......for Deonapur Piped Water Supply scheme at Kaliachak-III Development Block under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, P.H.E. Dte, Malda. 05-02-2025 01-03-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Supply and installation of 150 mm dia sluice valve 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Repairing FHTC 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, RWS Howrah Sub Division
42/RWS Temporary Staging arrangements and some allied works for conducting NDT of KHILA Existing OHR of KHILA Pipe W/S scheme at Udaynarayanpur Block under Howrah Division, P.H.E. Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Store & Workshop Sub-Division
31/S&WSD Supply , delivery and fitting fixing of Turbo ventilator SS 22”, Supply , delivery and fitting fixing of colour coated sheet 06-02-2025 13-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection along with Operation and Maintainance of Iron Elimination Plant for Sakdaha & Joyghata PWSS in Krishnaganj Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division- II,P.H. Engg. Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 2 of Iswaripur W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/16 OF EE/NACD-II OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division II
161/NACD-II Day to day repair, Operation & maintenance of distribution system, rising main and allied pipelines (CI/DI/UPVC/HDPE/GI), valves, valves chambers, stand posts including repairing of FHTC connection and providing new FHTC connection for Helenchi Zone-III & Taldaha PWSS in Krishnaganj Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II,P.H. Engg. Dte. 10-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Emergent protection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD Providing Functional tap household connection 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Surging of 03 no. Big dia Tubewell of Ramchadrakhali (Zone-II) (TW-3) and Kalikatala (Zone-II) (TW-1 & 3) W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
Notice Inviting Tender No. 14/HSD of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
327/HSD spl rep 04-02-2025 18-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
127/CSD Repairing & renovation of Pump House no. - 2 of Uttar Angadbedia W/S Scheme 04-02-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHE/62/ND OF 2024-25 [ GROUP – I TO IV ]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
536/ND Laying of additional pipeline as per the revised drawing for augmentation of Subarnabihar Zone-II Water Supply Scheme in Krishnagar-I Block under Nadia Division PHE Dte. 04-02-2025 24-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Burdwan Division
170/AE/HQ Re-Laying of U-PVC (Damaged By WBSRDA Department) pipeline near Adibasi Para under SHURA Z-II PWSS, Jamalpur Dev. Block under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHE/16/NAD-I OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division-I
2411/ NAD – I Supply, delivery and installation commissioning of Domestic Ultrasonic (153 RWM) type water meter with Software for data communication at Patkabari, Hatibhanda, Madna, Jaganath, Sahapur & Dhakuria village under augmentation of ground watwer based PWSS for Itaberia W/S Scheme Part-III under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) at Hanskhali Block, Nadia under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Burdwan Division
170/AE/HQ Uploading charges of all collected & tested data management to State WQ Dashboard using FTK/H2S vials for FHTCs in Burdwan district related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Activities under Jal Jeevan Mission. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHE/16/NAD-I OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division-I
2411/ NAD – I Augmentation & Retrofitting work under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for MATIKUMRA including crossing of SH-11 by jackpushing and interconnection pipeline at Birnagar village under Ground Water based PWSS for MATIKUMRA Water Supply Scheme under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Burdwan Division
170/AE/HQ Land Possession Display Board at BALARAMPUR PWSS & Other schemes (Total=82 Nos) under JAMALPUR Block. Under Burdwan Div. PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
180/NWSD-I Shinking of 1 no. Tube well 300mm X 200mm Big Dia.Tube well 300 Mtr. Deep by Direct Rotary Rig method using PVC pipe & UPVC deep well screen pipes with ribs etc. Including cost of Materials under command area of Bandipur Water Supply Scheme at Barrackpore-II Block under North 24 Parganas water supply Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. 31-01-2025 24-02-2025
WBPHE/16/NAD-I OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division-I
2411/ NAD – I Augmentation of pipeline and FHTC including repair of Boundary wall at Saguna, Aluipara & Hijuli Mouzas and Parbatipur & Gopalpur Mouzas under Parbatipur Piped Water Supply Scheme under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
PHE/SWSD/EE/NIeT- 33 of 2024-25 (SL.NO. 01 to 02)
Executive Engineer, Siliguri W/S Division

Click Downloads & More for

Providing Security Guards for round the clock guarding without arms at North Bengal Circle-I office building, Siliguri W/S Division Office,Stack Yard and Departmental Store at Babupara PHE Complex, Siliguri P.H.E Dte. for the period of 365 days.

Providing Security Guards without arms for round the clock operation of guarding at Fulbari Water Treatment Plant , Stack yard and Different Building at Fulbari under Siliguri Water Supply Division fo


Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
180/NWSD-I Shinking of 1 no. Tube well 300mm X 200mm Big Dia.Tube well 300 Mtr. Deep by Direct Rotary Rig method using PVC pipe & UPVC deep well screen pipes with ribs etc. Including cost of Materials for Basna Benapur Zone-X Water Supply Scheme (H/W site) under North 24 Parganas water supply Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. 31-01-2025 24-02-2025
NIeT No-48/KSD of 2024-2025 _ Sl-01 of 01
Assistant Engineer, kalna Sub-Division

Click Downloads & More for

Construction of Protection wall along with reconstruction of Boundary Wall (Damadged portion due to land slide along the pond side) and other allied work at Surface Water Based Water Supply Scheme(Zone 3).

Providing Security Guards without arms for round the clock operation of guarding at Fulbari Water Treatment Plant , Stack yard and Different Building at Fulbari under Siliguri Water Supply Division fo


N.I.Q. NO.-18 OF HESD OF 2024-2025
Assistant Engineer, Haldia Electrical Sub-division
152/HESD N.I.Q. NO.-18 OF HESD OF 2024-2025 31-01-2025 12-02-2025
Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
180/NWSD-I Shinking of 1 no. Tube well 300mm X 200mm Big Dia.Tube well 300 Mtr. Deep by Direct Rotary Rig method using PVC pipe & UPVC deep well screen pipes with ribs etc. Including cost of Materials at Talbanda Mouza under command area of Bilkanda (Zone-I & II) Water Supply Scheme at Barrackpore-II Block under North 24 Parganas water supply Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. 31-01-2025 24-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Serampore Sub-Division
114/SER 31-01-2025 13-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Burdwan Division
170/AE/HQ Re-Laying of U-PVC (Damaged By WBSRDA Department) pipeline near Sahana Para under SHURA Z-II PWSS, Jamalpur Dev. Block under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer I, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
187/NWSD-I Supply, delivery, Loading and Unloading of SS-7 Burner Cooking Range made of Stainless steel AISI-304 (16 SWG) included angle frame Operate LPG/PNG Gas as per requirement. With 7 nos. Indian (G9) Burner perforated side pannel. Cylinder connection pipe on leftside of staff. Individual control & pilot knob 1 nos. under self, Heavy duty nylon billet ( Size: 68" length x 28" width x 32" Height ) unde 31-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer I, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
187/NWSD-I Special Emergency Repairing of 600 dia (DI) rising main line, Installation of 600 mm dia Sluice valve & construction of valve chamber within the BS-I Campus for smooth Operation & maintenance keeping close monitoring with all existing OHR by under North 24 Pgs. Water Supply Division-I, P.H.E.Dte. 31-01-2025 13-02-2025
Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
180/NWSD-I Shinking of 1 no. Tube well 300mm X 200mm Big Dia.Tube well 300 Mtr. Deep by Direct Rotary Rig method using PVC pipe & UPVC deep well screen pipes with ribs etc. Including cost of Materials for Kaugachi Zone-II Water Supply Scheme ( H/W site ) under North 24 Parganas water supply Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. 31-01-2025 24-02-2025
WBPHE/16/NAD-I OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division-I
2411/ NAD – I Interconnection of pipeline from manifold to distribution line for ensuring water at Gobindapur , Mathpara under Gobindapur water supply scheme under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
180/NWSD-I Shinking of 1 no. Tube well 300mm X 200mm Big Dia.Tube well 300 Mtr. Deep by Direct Rotary Rig method using PVC pipe & UPVC deep well screen pipes with ribs etc. Including cost of Materials under command area of Chak Chandpur Water Supply Scheme at Deganga Block under North 24 Parganas wate supply Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. 31-01-2025 24-02-2025
Executive Engineer, North 24 Pgs W/S Division-I
180/NWSD-I Shinking of 1 no. Tube well 300mm X 200mm Big Dia.Tube well 300 Mtr. Deep by Direct Rotary Rig method using PVC pipe UPVC deep well screen pipes with ribs etc. Including cost of Materials for Gar Shyamnagar Water Supply Scheme (H/W site ) under Nor 31-01-2025 24-02-2025
PHE/SWSD/EE/NIeT- 33 of 2024-25 (SL.NO. 01 to 02)
Executive Engineer, Siliguri W/S Division
365/SWSD Providing Security Guards without arms for round the clock operation of guarding at Fulbari Water Treatment Plant , Stack yard and Different Building at Fulbari under Siliguri Water Supply Division for the period of 365 days. 31-01-2025 21-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Burdwan Division
170/AE/HQ Construction & Installation of Sluice valve & valve Chamber to control the flow of water with laying of u-PVC Pipe under Abujhati PWSS, Jamalpur Dev. Block under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHE/16/NAD-I OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Arsenic Division-I
2411/ NAD – I Providing FHTC and laying dedicated pipeline for Sijdia, Dakhin Rameswarpur, Anatapur, Mithapur & aismali Village in connection with Debagram Water Supply Scheme under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) Under Ranaghat-II Block in under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, PHE Dte. 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
NOTICE INVITING TENDER No. 04/MD OF 2024-2025,Sl.09.
Executive Engineer, Malda Division
329/MD Erection of Property board and dissemination of Property information through wall painting related to Jal Jeevan Mission works at Bamongram, Basara, Parameswarpur, Khatil, Ramnagar & Adatala PWSS under Bamongola Block under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the district of Malda. 30-01-2025 12-02-2025
NIeT-17/A.E./Bon of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Bongaon Sub-Division
157/Bon NIeT-17/A.E./Bon of 2024-25 30-01-2025 17-02-2025
22/2024-2025/SE/SWC/WBPHED/2nd Call/1
Superintending Engineer, South 24 Pgs. W/S Circle
1303/SWC Road Restoration, Supply and Fabrication of 700 mm Dia, 7.10 mm thick MS Casing Pipe and Pushing of Casing Pipe by Hydraulic Jack Pushing Method, Construction of RCC Retaining Wall, Land Development, Construction of 1 No. Culvert, and ancillary works at Bargachia PWSS (Zone-VII, VIII & IX) of J.B. Pur Block under Howrah Sadar Sub-Division, Howrah Division, P.H.E. Dte. (SM/14095) 30-01-2025 28-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/BD/NIeT_15 (4th Call) of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Balurghat Division
188/BD Day to Day Operation, efficient monitoring, maintenance and guarding in all respect of Intake, Water Treatment plant including Raw Water Rising Main, Clear Water Rising Main and Ground Level Reservoir for Gangarampur Sub Surface Based PWSS (Eastern Sector) under Balurghat Division, PHE Dte. 30-01-2025 19-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/BD/NIeT_15 (4th Call) of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Balurghat Division
188/BD Day to Day Operation, efficient monitoring, maintenance and guarding in all respect of Intake, Water Treatment plant including Raw Water Rising Main and Clear Water Rising Main for Gangarampur Sub Surface Based PWSS (Western Sector) under Balurghat Division, PHE Dte. 30-01-2025 19-02-2025
NIeT- 15 / EE/PMD/PHED OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Purulia Mechanical Division
124/PMD Modification of existing filter bed control system with allied works at Lakshmanpur WTP under Raghunathpur Water Supply Project under PMD, PHE, Dte. 31-01-2025 03-03-2025
NIeT- 16 / EE/PMD/PHED OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Purulia Mechanical Division
125/PMD Supply, delivery and fitting fixing of different electro mechanical equipments under different water supply scheme under PMD, PHE, Dte. 31-01-2025 25-02-2025
NIET 68 / EE/BOL.M.D. OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Bolpur Mechanical Division
199/BOLMD NIET 68 / EE/BOL.M.D. OF 2024-25 30-01-2025 15-02-2025
WBPHE/EE/MMD/NIeT- 19 OF 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Midnapore Mechanical Division
676/MMD Providing and installation of Submersible pumping machineries and other allied electromechanical works at Newly sunk Tube well (Relacement) at Pump House-2 under Gobardhanpur water supply scheme under Midnapore Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. Dist.:- Paschim Medinipur 31-01-2025 13-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Tamluk Division
347/TD WBPHED/EE/TD/NIeQ_02/2024-2025 29-01-2025 21-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Construction of approach Road including restoration of CC road with Bullah piling and shifting of DI(K-7/K-9) pipes near TantiparaHazrapara of Ajangachi PWSS of Amta-II Block under Uluberia Sub Division under Howrah Divison PHE Dte. 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Interconnection of 3rd TW and and special repairing of damaged laying distribution pipeline due to aromoring of Left Bank of the Rived Damodar under Kanpur GP of Amta-I Block under Rejuvenation of Kanpur PWSS(SM/05585) of uluberia Sub DIvision Under Howrah Division. PHE Dte. 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
eNIT No. 09 of AE/KSD of 2024-2025(Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_808185_1_2)
Assistant Engineer, Kharagpur Sub-Division
929/AE/KSD Repair and Renovation of Pump House and Boundary wall of 2nd Tube well site of BELURIA Pipe Water Supply Scheme, Block: - Pingla, District: - Paschim Midnapore. 29-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Laying UPVC pipe for uplift pressure at Gouripur PWSS of Uluberia-I Block under uluberia Sub DIvision Under Howrah Division. PHE Dte. 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
NIeT-16/A.E./Bon of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Bongaon Sub-Division
145/Bon NIeT-16/A.E./Bon of 2024-25 29-01-2025 24-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Sinking of 1 no Replaced Tube well of 300 X 200 mm Dia and 230 m deep tubewell Drilling by Direct Rotary method with UPVC Pipe (CD) and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) all complete at Rejuvenation of Amta PWSS at Amta-I Block under Uluberia Sub Division within Howrah Division, P.H.E.Dte.(Location- Head works (Zone-II)] 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
NIeT-16/A.E./Bon of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Bongaon Sub-Division
145/Bon NIeT-16/A.E./Bon of 2024-25 29-01-2025 24-02-2025
NIeT No-44/KSD of 2024-2025 _ Sl-01 of 01
Assistant Engineer, kalna Sub-Division
164/KSD Work of lds and FHTC at Monteswar block, Kalna, Purba Bardhaman. 30-01-2025 17-02-2025
eNIT No. 09 of AE/KSD of 2024-2025(Tr. ID: 2025_PHED_808185_1_2)
Assistant Engineer, Kharagpur Sub-Division
929/AE/KSD Repair and Renovation of Pump House and Boundary wall of Head work site of BELURIA Pipe Water Supply Scheme, Block: - Pingla, District: - Paschim Midnapore. 29-01-2025 13-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/ MSD/14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Division
261/ MURD LDS, repairing of concrete road, Construction of Boundary Wall, Chlorine room Land Development & Service Road, ,Construction of OHR different Capacity, O& M of Distribution system, Rising main pipeline Upkeepment of Office of the Executive Engineer Murshidabad Division and Superintending Engineer Murshidabad Circle and FHTC Connection of different PWSS under Murshidabad Division,P.H.E. Dte. 30-01-2025 07-03-2025
Superintending Engineer, PMU, Purulia(JICA)
242/W-183/JICA/PMU/2022 Shifting of Rising main 900 dia, 350 dia 250 dia (K9) & HDPE pipe line 01-02-2025 28-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
226/HSD civil works 29-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
226/HSD civil works 29-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Alternative laying distribution system for facilitating widening of Major District Road (MDR) of Shyampur PWSS under Shyampur-I Block in Uluberia Sub-Division, under Howrah Division P.H.E. Dte. 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Construction of Kiosk (one no (Size inside 3.0 x 3.0m)) at 5th TW Site and interconnection with 5thTW and ancilary works at Mato PWSS under uluberia Sub-Division, under Howrah Division P.H.E. Dte. 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Additional laying restoration work at mouza Ranapara, Deorah, Sirajbati, Damoder nadir Char village of Rejuvenation of Amta PWSS (Zone-I & II) of Amta-I Block in Uluberia Sub-Division, under Howrah Division P.H.E.Dte. 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Construction of Kiosk (2nd tube well site) at Raspur PWSS under uluberia Sub-Division, under Howrah Division P.H.E. Dte. (Size inside 3.0 x 1.8m) 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
19/2024-2025/SE/SWC/WBPHED/2nd Call/1
Superintending Engineer, South 24 Pgs. W/S Circle
1295/SWC Laying of additional pipeline under the Augmentation Scheme of Zone-XI at Kulpi Block for providing 100% FHTC under Mega Surface water based water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur, District South 24 parganas under Diamond Harbour Sub-Division of Alipore Division of PHE Dte. [SM/13909] 29-01-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHE/EE/JMD/NIeT 54 OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Jhargram Mechanical Division
179/JMD Operation and guarding work 06-02-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
226/HSD civil works 29-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer (How-Ulu)
1525/AE/USD Construction of Kiosk (Head Work site) at Raspur PWSS under uluberia Sub-Division, under Howrah Division P.H.E. Dte. (Size inside 3.0 x 1.8m) 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/JD/e-NIT- 28/2024-25
Executive Engineer, Jalpaiguri Division
197/JD Infrastructural Development of Bacteriological Laboratory with extension of existing Lab of Jalpaiguri District in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission under Jalpaiguri Division, P.H.E Directorate. 30-01-2025 18-02-2025
NIeT No-45/KSD of 2024-2025 _ Sl-01 of 01
Assistant Engineer, kalna Sub-Division
169/KSD Construction of boundary wall at Ganganandapur PWSS, Purbasthali-I Block, Kalna, Bardhaman 30-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
226/HSD civil works 29-01-2025 13-02-2025
eNIT No. 08 of EE/JHD of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Jhargram Division
214/JHD Drinking water sample collection where facilator are not available,unwiling or inactive at 25 nos Gram panchayats under Jhargram District. 04-02-2025 24-02-2025
Superintending Engineer, PMU, Purulia(JICA)
242/W-183/JICA/PMU/2022 NIET 06 OF SE -I, PMU, WBPWSP (P), PHE Dte. 01-02-2025 28-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/ MSD/14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Division
261/ MURD LDS, repairing of concrete road, Construction of Boundary Wall, Chlorine room Land Development & Service Road, ,Construction of OHR different Capacity, O& M of Distribution system, Rising main pipeline Upkeepment of Office of the Executive Engineer Murshidabad Division and Superintending Engineer Murshidabad Circle and FHTC Connection of different PWSS under Murshidabad Division, P.H.E. Dte. 30-01-2025 07-03-2025
Executive Engineer, Tamluk Division
355/TD WBPHED/EE/TD/NIeT_25/2024-2025 30-01-2025 21-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 2 of Augmentation of Sadhupur W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 2 of Augmentation of Kachukhali W/S Scheme 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 1 of Augmentation of Sudhansupur W/S Scheme 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 3 of Augmentation of Pathankhali W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MAAD/NIeT _09 of 2024-2025 Sl No. 01
Executive Engineer, Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division
134/MAAD Laying of Distribution System at Manikchak Block (Zone-I) under Augmentation of Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Malda Arsenic Affected Area (Northern & Southern Sector) at District Malda under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHE Dte. 29-01-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Basanti W/S Scheme Store 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 2 of Augmentation of Harishpur W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Canning Sub-Division Office 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division

Click Downloads & More for

Day to day maintenance of the office of the Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte.

Providing Security Guards without arms for round the clock operation of guarding at Fulbari Water Treatment Plant , Stack yard and Different Building at Fulbari under Siliguri Water Supply Division fo


Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 1 of Augmentation of Pathankhali W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 3 of Augmentation of Gosaba W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 4 of Augmentation of Gosaba W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 1 of Augmentation of Kachukhali W/S Scheme 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 2 of Augmentation of Sudhansupur W/S Scheme 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 2 of Augmentation of Pathankhali W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/ MSD/13 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Division
241 / MURD Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Installation, Commissioning & Trial Run of different capacity Iron Elimination Plant (IEP) as per PHED Approved Model (Pressure type) including Compressor Room , sludge disposal arrangemention with Surface Drain and Platform , Construction of Pump House & clorine Room with sanitary and Water, Boundary wall & Renovation of IEP under Murshidabad division PHe Dte. 29-01-2025 03-03-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 2 of Augmentation of Gosaba W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHE / 61 / ND / 2024 - 25
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
440/ND Construction and installation of Manifold at OHR site and allied works in connection to the Augmentation of Pansila Water Supply Scheme under Nabadwip Block under Nadia Division, P.H.E Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MEDB/NIeQ-40 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Berhampur Mechanical Division
157 /MEDB Providing and installation of Electro_Mechanical equipment for AIRP at different W/S Scheme 29-01-2025 20-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 1 of Augmentation of Harishpur W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 3 of Augmentation of Sadhupur W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 1 of Augmentation of Gosaba W/S Scheme (Zone-I) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
NIeQ No. 41/MEDB of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Berhampur Mechanical Division
160/MEDB Electro-Mechanical Works for Jal Jivan Mission in different W/S. Scheme. 29-01-2025 20-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Arrear payment as per Revision of Wages for Engagement of Security Guard for 24 hours duty for Gosaba W/S Scheme Store 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MAAD/NIeT _09 of 2024-2025 Sl No. 02
Executive Engineer, Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division
134/MAAD Laying of Distribution System at Kaliachak-I Block (Zone-X) under Augmentation of Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Malda Arsenic Affected Area (Northern & Southern Sector) at District Malda under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHE Dte. 29-01-2025 25-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Renovation and retrofitting of Pump House No. 1 of Augmentation of Purba Radhanagar (Dakhin) W/S Scheme (Zone-III) 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
98/CSD Erection of Land Sign Board at different PWSS under Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 28-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MAAD/NIeT _09 of 2024-2025 Sl No. 03
Executive Engineer, Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division
134/MAAD Laying of Distribution System at Kaliachak-I Block (Zone-XII) under Augmentation of Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Malda Arsenic Affected Area (Northern & Southern Sector) at District Malda under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHE Dte. 29-01-2025 25-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Tamluk Division
325/TD WBPHED/EE/TD/NIeT_24/2024-2025 28-01-2025 21-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Midnapore Mechanical Sub-Division-I
133/MMSD-I WBPHE/AE/MMSD1/NIeT26OF202425 27-01-2025 13-02-2025
NIeT - 24/B.Ar.D of 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Barasat Arsenic Division
173/B.Ar.D. 03 nos O&M work. 27-01-2025 13-02-2025
NIQ NO. 02/CSD OF 2024-2025
Assistant Engineer, Canning Sub-Division
93/CSD Hiring of 1 (One) No. Diesel Car / Luxury Taxi at Canning Sub-Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte. 27-01-2025 12-02-2025
WBPHE/60/ND OF 2024-25 [GROUP – I & II]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
411/ND Construction and installation of MANIFOLD and allied works at OHR site under Arabpur Ground Based Water Supply Scheme under Karimpur-I Block under Nadia Division,P.H.E Dte. 27-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHE/60/ND OF 2024-25 [GROUP – I & II]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
411/ND Repairing and Renovation of Guard Room and Chlorine room and allied work of Palassipara water supply Scheme under Tehatta Sub-Division under Nadia Division PHE Dte. 27-01-2025 17-02-2025
10/A.E./Chan. of 2024-25
Assistant Engineer, Chandannagar Sub Division
96/Chan MTC Work 27-01-2025 12-02-2025
NIeT - 24/B.Ar.D of 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Barasat Arsenic Division
173/B.Ar.D. 02 nos work. 27-01-2025 13-02-2025
Driller-In-Charge, Purulia Mech Sub-Div(Drilling)
14/PMSD((Drilling) Repairing of 15 HP Centrifugal pumping machinery and other allied works at Manbazar Baludih water supply schemes, Extra wages payment of MTU operator and Helper in Purulia MTU unit under PMD, PHE Dte. 27-01-2025 12-02-2025
WBPHE/59/ND OF 2024-25 [GROUP – I TO VI]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
393/ND Jack pushing & pipe crossing work at Khidirpur Mouza under Northern Sector Part-II under Nakashipara Block of Nadia District. 24-01-2025 13-02-2025
NIeT 06 OF 2024-2025
06/DSD MISCELLANEOUS WORKS 05-02-2025 27-02-2025
NIeT 06 OF 2024-2025
06/DSD Installation of two tank chlorination system at different water supply scheme UNDER JJM under DHUPGURI Block under Northern Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte., Dist.- Jalpaiguri. 05-02-2025 27-02-2025
NIeT 06 OF 2024-2025
06/DSD Installation of two tank chlorination system at Rejuvenation of Water Supply Scheme of JITI TEA GARDEN MOUZA and other Adjacent Water Supply Scheme under JJM under Nagrakata Block under Northern Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte., Dist.- Jalpaiguri. 05-02-2025 27-02-2025
PHE/SWSD/EE/NIeT- 32 OF 2024-25 (Sl No 01)2nd Call
Executive Engineer, Siliguri W/S Division
260/SWSD Providing Functional House Hold Tap Connection along with platform under Jal Jeevan Mission for Kalkut Piped Water Supply Scheme (Zone-III) within Matigara Block under Siliguri Sub Division, P.H.E.Dte. (Part – B). 24-01-2025 13-02-2025
WBPHE/EE/JMD/NIeT 53 OF 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Jhargram Mechanical Division
116/JMD Supply, Delivery & Installation work 31-01-2025 17-02-2025
WBPHE/59/ND OF 2024-25 [GROUP – I TO VI]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
393/ND Allied protection work and pipe crossing work at Jagadanandapur Mouza under Northern Sector Part-II under Nakashipara Block of Nadia District. 24-01-2025 13-02-2025
WBPHE/59/ND OF 2024-25 [GROUP – I TO VI]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
393/ND Construction Of Chlorine storage Room (2m X 2m) At H/w Site of 13nos PWSS Under RWS Nadia Sub-Division PHE Dte. 24-01-2025 13-02-2025
WBPHE/59/ND OF 2024-25 [GROUP – I TO VI]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
393/ND Additional work for Providing FHTC, Supplying, laying of distribution system including with all necessary specials, UPVC/HDPE Pipes etc. all complete for Zone- II/B (Northern Sector Part-II) under Nakashipara Block of Nadia District. 24-01-2025 13-02-2025
WBPHE/59/ND OF 2024-25 [GROUP – I TO VI]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
393/ND Jack pushing & pipe crossing work at Jugpur Mouza under Northern Sector Part-II under Nakashipara Block of Nadia District. 24-01-2025 13-02-2025
NIeT 06 OF 2024-2025
06/DSD Installation of two tank chlorination system at different water supply scheme UNDER JJM under BANARHAT Block under Northern Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte., Dist.- Jalpaiguri. 05-02-2025 27-02-2025
WBPHE/59/ND OF 2024-25 [GROUP – I TO VI]
Executive Engineer, Nadia Division
393/ND Additional work of providing FHTC and additional work of Laying Distribution System at Shimultala village within Krishnanagar-I Block under RWS Nadia Sub-Division under Nadia Division, PHE Dte. 24-01-2025 13-02-2025
EOI CUM RFP WBPHED/EE/RS/e04/2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Resources Division
178/RS Procurement of services for continuation of NABL Recognition of 90 Nos. Sub District Drinking Water Testing Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Activities under Jal Jeevan Mission 24-01-2025 21-02-2025
NIET No. - 44 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte.
Executive Engineer, Bankura Division
271 / BQA NIET No. - 44 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte. 25-01-2025 21-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MD/NIeQ _07/MD of 2024-2025,Sl.No.01.
Executive Engineer, Malda Division
229/MD Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Erection, Installation & Commissioning of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant {Gobardanga Model (Pressure Type)} with Trial run for a period of 3 (three) months after completion of the works and 9 (nine) months maintenance after successful trial run of 30.00M³/hr. capacity Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant including 1 (one) no. compressor room of internal size 3.6m(L) x 3.0 23-01-2025 12-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MD/NIeQ _07/MD of 2024-2025,Sl.No.02.
Executive Engineer, Malda Division
229/MD Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Erection, Installation & Commissioning of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant {Gobardanga Model (Pressure Type)} with Trial run for a period of 3 (three) months after completion of the works and 9 (nine) months maintenance after successful trial run of 30.00M³/hr. capacity Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant including 1 (one) no. compressor room of internal size 3.6m(L) x 3.0 23-01-2025 12-02-2025
Superintending Engineer, Mechanical Circle-I
35/MC-I Supply and installation of disinfection arrangement (Gaseous Chlorination) and other works at different OHR sites of Aug. of Purbasthali Surface Water Based PWSS Zone-I under Central Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte., Dist.- Purba Bardhaman. 29-01-2025 21-02-2025
NIET No. - 43 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte. (2nd Call)
Executive Engineer, Bankura Division
258 / BQA NIET No. - 43 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte. (2nd Call) 25-01-2025 21-02-2025
eNIT 02 of 2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Central Drilling Division
93/CDD Vide Memo No.93/CDD dated 22/01/2025 22-01-2025 12-02-2025
NIET No. - 42 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte.
Executive Engineer, Bankura Division
243 / BQA NIET No. - 42 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte. 22-01-2025 18-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Eastern Mechanical Division
123/EMD “Providing, installation and commissioning of submersible pumping machinery along with allied Electro-Mechanical works for Augmentation Tube Well in connection to Accommodate FHTC at diff. Pump Houses, under different ground water based water supply scheme under Diff. Block Dist. – Nadia and North 24 Pgs. under EMD, PHE Dte 24-01-2025 15-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Superintending Engineer, Mechanical Circle-I
30/MC-I Supply, delivery, installation & Commissioning of Electro Mechanical machinery for Intermediate Pumping Station (IPS-I) to be installed at Boinchi Gram and Intermediate Pumping Station (IPS-2) to be installed at Damdama Gram under Balagarh-Pandua Surface Based Pipe Water Supply Scheme, in the Dist. of Hooghly under Electrical Division, P.H.E, Dte. 29-01-2025 19-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD Civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
Assistant Engineer, Hasnabad Sub-Division
110/HSD civil works 20-01-2025 13-02-2025
NIET No. - 41 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte.
Executive Engineer, Bankura Division
206 / BQA NIET No. - 41 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte. 22-01-2025 18-02-2025
NIET No. - 41 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte.
Executive Engineer, Bankura Division
206 / BQA NIET No. - 41 of the FY 2024-2025 of the EE/BQA, PHE Dte. 22-01-2025 18-02-2025
18/2024-25/EE/DWSD/PHE Dte
Executive Engineer, Durgapur W/S Division
95/DWSD Balance and additional works for sinking of 300X200 mm dia X 210 mtr deapth RRM Tube well and laying pipe line (LDS),FHTC,Construction of Switch room,Pump house,interconnection along with road restoration and construction of Boundary wall for head worksites and other allieds work related to JJM (7 Nos PWSS) i.e. Aushgram PWSS,Jalkandar_and_Bhuyera_PWSS,Karatia PWSS,Khandari PWSS,Pichkuri PWSS,Shib 17-01-2025 17-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-I Manbazar-II Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying Distribution Pipe line work for zone-l of Neturia Block at Mouza - Pochhara under Purulia water supply scheme (Northern sector ) under Purulia Division Phe. Dte 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard room with Toilet at Chitmu OHR campus for Chitmu W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
EOI CUM RFP WBPHED/EE/RS/e03/2024-2025
Executive Engineer, Resources Division
96/RS Regular upkeeping, upgradation of all water quality applications for data collection, alert generation system for contaminated sources, stock & faulty instruments and onsite sanitary survey data, integrated with WQMIS structure through cloud based secured survey, data repository system and engagement of efficient manpower for resource monitoring & management of water quality in drinking water sect 14-01-2025 12-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Floor development of undercut pump house & other allied works at OHR site of Lagda W/S Scheme under Purulia Sadar Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Sinking of 5(Five) nostubewell with necessary Pipe line at different OHR Site(Gobag, Babugram&Ketlapur) under Raghunathpur Water Supply Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, P.H.E. Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Balance work for Supplying laying fitting fixing of different dia pipe line & FHTC connection repering (Damage of Old different dia pipe line &FHTC connection ) and all allied works due to construction of Drain(left side & right side) of PWD Roads ( Raghunathpur-Dubra - Chandankiyari) From Dubra to Kakdiha more & new pipe line two no school connection(Dubra Girls High school ,Dubra English Pry 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-IX Bandwan Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-VIII Bandwan Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of HDPE Distribution pipe line (left out portion) and other allied works at BalitoraVillage underBalitora W/S Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-IV Bandwan Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of RCC clear water reservoir (CWR) of capacity 1000 Cum with other allied works at Lakhanpur WTP under Raghunathpur W/S Scheme (German Project) of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Withdrawing of existing CI Distribution pipe line (Damage portion) and relaying of GI pipe (80 mm dia) and distribution parallel HDPE pipe line including other allied works from Adra More to Nilu Kali Mandir at Raghunathpur Water Supply Scheme (Zone-III) under Zone-IV of Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Balance portion parallal HDPE pipeline and other allied work under Purulia Piped water supply Scheme (Northern Sector ), Kashipur Block Zone XI & XII within Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Surging of existing riverbed tubewells along with all others related items of works to combat extreme drought like situation at Darakeswar river under Kashipur W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Loop line and Repairing of Old UPVC Pipeline and Repairing of Existing House Comnnection at Manbazar II Zone-5 W/S Scheme (Zone-5) under Purulia Division PHE Dte. (Dasihira Village to Near Bundiya ICDS Centre ) 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Withdrawing &realaying of DI pipe line near Division Office Campus & Construction for extension of additional room at Purulia Division office in Ground Floor & 1st. floor including drain & side appron under Purulia Division , PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Sinking of 04 (one) No. 200 mm dia DTH rigboredtubewell of Raghunathpur Water Supply Scheme (German Assisted) (Zone -V B) within Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard room with Toilet at Kantabera Pump house campus for SindriChasmore W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Surging of existing riverbed tubewells along with all others related items of works to combat extreme drought like situation at Darakeswar river under Sutabai W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Sinking of 4 (Four) nos Big dia DTH rigboredtubewell with other allied works at Bhamuria W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Part-B) 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Withdrawing & Laying of 2 Nos 100 mm dia GI Collecting line(2&4) at River bed with fitting fixing of 40 mm dia GI guard pilling work under Palaskola-Keliyathol W/S Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, P.H.E. Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of 140 mm dia HDPE pipe line From OHR to Misson Para at Arrah under Raghunathpur Water Supply Scheme (German Assisted) (Zone-IB)ofRaghunathpur Sub Division Under Purulia Division PHE Dte 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Surging of existing riverbed tubewells along with all others related items of works to combat extreme drought like situation at Darakeswar river (NarayangarhGhat) under Arrah W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard room with Toilet at Bongabari OHR campus for Bongabari W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Balance portion parallal HDPE pipeline and other allied work under Purulia Piped water supply Scheme (Northern Sector ), Kashipur Block Zone VI within Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Approch road & pathway alongwith other allide work at Bhuighora OHR Site under Marbel Lake Water Supply Scheme under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-III Bandwan Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard room with Toilet at Mahara Pump house campus for Bongabari W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard room with Toilet at Joypur OHR campus for Joypur W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Special repairing works of HDPE pipe line from River side to Karandih Village , Kajuli Village ,Kajuli more to D.ED Collage road , DaldaliMajhidih Village & Guard pilling Manifold to CWR Pipe line with all allied works of Retrofitting works in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) at MaguriaLalpur under Raghunathpur W/S Scheme (Zone-IB) of Raghunathpur Sub Division uneder Purulia Division 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Balance work for Supplying laying fitting fixing of HDPE pipe line from Kolaboni Zone -II OHR site to Bakdisha village , Velagora Village &Takhrapara village to Susunia village for increase pressure of Retrofitting works in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) at Kolaboni under Raghunathpur W/S Scheme (German Assisted) Zone IB of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Balance portion parallal HDPE pipeline and other allied work under Purulia Piped water supply Scheme (Northern Sector ), Kashipur Block Zone V within Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Surging of existing riverbed tubewells along with all others related items of works to combat extreme drought like situation at Darakeswar river (At Kaduri) under Rangamati W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-XI Bandwan Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-II Bandwan Block within Southern Sector Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Surging of existing riverbed tubewells along with all others related items of works to combat extreme drought like situation at Darakeswar river under Keliyathol-Palashkola W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-X Bandwan Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-III Manbazar-II Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard room with Toilet at Hutmura WTP campus for Hutmura W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Balance work for distribution pipe line along ManbazarBandwan road due to weiding of PWD roads at Manbazar II Zone I under Manbazar II W/S Scheme under Purulia Sadar Sub-division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (PWD Deposit Work) 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Repairing of Existing DI Rising main and Emergency Water Supply by Tanker at different Location at Manbazar-1 Block under Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Balance work for Supplying laying fitting fixing of HDPE pipe line from Kolaboni Zone -II OHR site Doulatpur Public School to Saldiga village , Belabhal Village , Bahukata village &LadurkaPadarparatoSimlapara village for increase pressure of Retrofitting works in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) at Kolaboni under Raghunathpur W/S Scheme (German Assisted) Zone IB of Raghunathpur Su 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Making bypass arrangement at river site & RCC road restoration for existing pipe laying works under Barabazar W/S Scheme under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Distribution pipeline and MS work at Culvert of Manbazar II W/S Scheme (Zone-2 & 5) From Dangardih More Towards Kutni under Purulia Division PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Balance portion parallal HDPE pipeline and other allied work under Purulia Piped water supply Scheme (Northern Sector ), Kashipur Block Zone -I within Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Balance portion parallal HDPE pipeline and other allied work under Purulia Piped water supply Scheme (Northern Sector ), Kashipur Block Zone XIII within Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Interconnection between New CWR, OHR and WTP by MS pipe at Hutmura WTP site for Hutmura W/S scheme at Purulia-II block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard room with Toilet at Mahara Pump house campus (New) for Bongabari W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard room with Toilet at Deulghata Pump house campus for Joypur W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Left out HDPE pipe line and pushing of 600mm dia MS pre cast pipe and 100 mm dia GI water carrier pipe by hydraulic jacking method across Purulia Ranchi NH Road for laying distribution line in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission at for Zone-III of Purulia -I block for Belkuri mouza under Purulia Water Supply Scheme (Northern Sector) Under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Installation of 01 (One) no. new bore Tube well (200mm x 165mm) at Manbazar-2, Zone -4 OHR Site within Manbazar-2 Block in Purulia District of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Sinking of 4 (Four) nos Big dia DTH rigboredtubewell with other allied works at Bhamuria W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Part-A) 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Scada Room and Chlorine Room at Zone-XIIBandwan Block within Southern Sector under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Pushing of 600mm dia MS pre cast pipe and 200 mm dia and 150 mm dia MS water carrier pipe by hydraulic jacking method across PMGSY Road for laying distribution line in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission at 3 (three) different location for Zone-II of Purulia - II block for Mahuda Bazar under Purulia Water Supply Scheme (Northern Sector) Under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Construction of Guard Room with toilet block at Para Head work site under Aug. of Para W/S Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Pipeline to Connect the OHR and laying of HDPE Pipeline From main Road to Kotshila Platform End of Kotshila Water Supply Scheme under JJM Project of Kotshila Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Left out Pipe line in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and) at Gurrabera habitation under command area of Jhalda Rural Water Supply Scheme of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Repairing & Renovation of Boundary wall along with Main Gate & Pathway at OHR site of Barabazar W/S Scheme under Purulia Sadar Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Distribution pipeline and Interconnection of OHR at Manbazar II Zone-5 W/S Scheme (Zone-5) under Purulia Division PHE Dte. (Tamakhun More to Tamkhun Village and ChirugoraVillage ) 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Balance work for Supplying, laying , fitting fixing Parallel pipe line with allied works at Rahidih Palash Bagan to Dolankocha village for increase pressure of Retrofitting works in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) under MaguriaLalpur Water Supply Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Surging of existing riverbed tubewells along with all others related items of works to combat extreme drought like situation at Darakeswar river under Sonatholi W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Tender No. 14 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Purulia Division
63/PD Laying of Loop line and Repairing of Old UPVC Pipeline and Repairing of Existing House Comnnection at Manbazar II Zone-5 W/S Scheme (Zone-5) under Purulia Division PHE Dte. (Bundiya ICDS Centre to BundiyaVillage ) 15-01-2025 18-02-2025
Executive Engineer, Resources Division
90/RS Regular upkeep for On-site Mobile Analysis System (OMAS) installed in various Water Testing Laboratories of PHE Dte., Govt. of West Bengal 14-01-2025 13-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/ MSD/12 of 2024-25
Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Division
86 / MURD similar nature of works like Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Installation, Commissioning &Trial Run of different capacity Iron Elimination Plant (IEP) as per PHED Approved Model (Pressure type) including 1 No. Compressor Room, sludge disposal arrangement with Surface Drain and Platform under Murshidabad Division, PHE Dte. 11-01-2025 25-02-2025
WBPHED/EE/MAAD/NIeT _08 (2nd Call) of 2024-2025. Sl. No. 01
Executive Engineer, Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division
40/MAAD Laying of Distribution System at English Bazar, Manikchak, Kaliachak-I, II and III Block under Augmentation of Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Malda Arsenic Affected Area (Northern & Southern Sector) at District Malda under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHE Dte. 10-01-2025 22-02-2025
NIT-07/NTKD – I OF 2023-2024
Executive Engineer, N T K W/S Division-I
968/NTKD-I Laying of by-pass distribution pipe line from tube well 1 to distribution network of water supply system of Jatragachi RR Plot within Action Area -II of Newtown,Earthwork in Excavation at WTP campus and carrige of the same by Mechanical Transport, unloading at AA IIIC, Street no. 927 canal side,Repairing and painting boundary wall of Tube site (2nd) of Distribution System ,Ta 28-02-2024 07-03-2025